Pregnancy and Fertility
Acupuncture and herbs are a safe and effective way to enhance fertility, prevent miscarriage, and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Chinese Medicine has been used for over 4,000 years to promote health and well-being. It can be used alone or as an adjunct therapy to Western medicine and midwifery.
Fertility, IUI, IVF
Acupuncture can help to balance your body in order to prepare for conception. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or with the help of Western medical treatment, acupuncture can help you to conceive.
In 2002, a German study indicated that women who received acupuncture with Western fertility treatments had a success rate of 43%, while the control group who received Western fertility treatments without acupuncture had a much lower success rate of 26%. (“Fertility and Sterility”, Vol. 77, No.4, April 2002.)
Acupuncture can help women to:
- Regulate hormones
- Improve ovarian function and egg quality
- Increase blood flow to the uterus to build a thick and heavy lining
- Decrease stress
Acupuncture can help men to:
- Enhance the quantity of their sperm
- Improve sperm motility and morphology
- Decrease stress
First Trimester
Morning sickness, low energy, spotting
Second Trimester
Backache and sciatica, hemorrhoids, heartburn, constipation
Third Trimester
Anemia, edema, carpal tunnel, anxiety, leg cramps, insomnia, breech baby, premature labor, labor induction
Fourth Trimester
Low energy, depression, difficulty nursing, building up the immune system
You're In Good Hands Here
At INDIE Acupuncture we use a holistic approach to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each individual. We use a comprehensive system of pulse and tongue diagnosis, muscle testing, palpation of points and meridians, orthopedic exams, and medical history to create a custom treatment.