Herbal Medicine - Indie Acupuncture


For your convenience, you can order recommended herbs and supplements directly through our online pharmacy. This guarantees you’re receiving the exact products you’ve selected, delivered right to your door. This platform allows you access to professional grade products with a 10% first order discount through your Indie Acupuncture profile. We prioritize quality in herbal medicine, supplements, and absorption to ensure you receive the finest products available.

We also carry a curated selection of supplements and herbal medicines at our clinic. Rest assured, the brands we carry are of the highest quality, and products we personally trust and use for our own health.

At INDIE Acupuncture we use a holistic approach to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each individual. We use a comprehensive system of pulse and tongue diagnosis, muscle testing, palpation of points and meridians, orthopedic exams, and medical history to create a custom treatment.